The 5 Parts Of A Successful Pinterest Marketing Plan For Brands

Pinterest marketing plan

Pinterest is more than just recipes, dream kitchens and crafts. Almost every brand should add a Pinterest marketing plan into their overall marketing strategy—especially when you consider the fact that 93% of pinners use Pinterest to plan a purchase.

Pinterest Marketing Plan For Brands

So, where should you begin? Focus on these 5 things and you’ll be well on your way to Pinterest success.

1. Website Optimization

Make sure your website is optimized for Pinterest activity:

a. Confirm your website on Pinterest so you can track the pins from your website in the analytics.

b. Include rich pins on your site for more detailed information about your product, app, recipe or article.

c. Add the Pinterest icon to your website.

2. Content Planning

It’s just as important to plan out your Pinterest content as it is for all other social media platforms.

First, determine your goals. Second, understand your audience. Then once you have a clear understanding of these steps, start planning your content.

Pinterest content planning

Balance product pins, helpful tips and articles for a rounded approach. Make sure your content is eye-catching and stay up to date on the image sizes.

Since people use Pinterest as a search engine, you want to create content that is trending.

Stay up to date with the latest trends and top performing content on Pinterest and find ways to make this work for your brand. Don’t forget to use holidays to your advantage!

3. Pinterest Tools

Make the most of your Pinterest marketing experience and get to know all the available tools.

Don’t forget the social aspect of social media. Like and share pins from similar brands or influential pinners. Join like groups and pin to the boards. It is a great way to build community in the Pinterest world.

You should also take advantage of the somewhat new Following tab. This allows you to see all the content from the people and brands you are following in one place. Like and pin these or use them as ideas for your content creation.

4. Advertising

With 1 of 2 people making a purchase after seeing a promoted pin, advertising is a smart strategy.

Using promoted pins can help you drive awareness and increase sales by getting your content in front of people likely to be interested and ultimately purchase your product.

5. Evaluate

Pinterest analytics

After you have successfully implemented a Pinterest marketing plan, make sure you take the time to analyze the performance.

How did your sponsored content perform? Does your targeting need to be adjusted? Take a look at your top performing pins and make sure you include similar content in future calendars.

These steps will help you get started on the right foot towards pinning for business.

Do you need help creating a Pinterest marketing plan for your brand? Contact us!