Meet Firebelly: The Reaghan Herrin Interview 

As Firebelly Marketing continues to grow, from dull embers to a towering inferno, we’re introducing you to the people that spark our ideas. 

We are always adding the best and the very brightest, expanding our agency in order to provide unique creative strategies for our clients. Since social media is social in nature, we want to communicate on what exactly makes our people here at Firebelly tick and we’re continuing the series with Reaghan Herrin!  


Meet Reaghan. Reaghan is our content planner. Last year, she graduated from Ball State University, where she learned everything there was to know about social media marketing. Born and raised in Evansville, IN, she stayed local, and has been living in downtown Indianapolis since graduating college. 

How Do You Start Your Day?

I start my day about 15 minutes before my alarm goes off. That’s when my cat decides I need to wake up. Once she’s satisfied with ruining my last few minutes of sleep, I fulfill my Gen-Z requirements by scrolling through TikTok for a few minutes before getting ready.

I stroll into the office around 9 or 9:30 every day and always have a Mcdonald's Diet Coke or Starbucks Iced Chai with me (huge “fun little drink” gal).

What Is Your Daily Media Diet?

The grip that social media has on me is enough to make my grandparents roll their eyes. I check my socials first thing in the morning, during the day when I need a brain break, and before I go to bed. TikTok, Twitter, and Youtube are my go-tos! 

How Do You Get Past Creative Blocks?

I take a break. Bonus points if I can get outside, even if I’m just driving in my car. It also helps to close my eyes and just sit in silence for a bit.

What's The Most Interesting Social Media News Story You’ve Seen Lately?

It’s all anyone has been talking about, but AI has been blowing my mind. I was late to the AI craze, but following Canva announcing their new AI-powered design tools during Canva Create, it sucked me in. Lots of amazing capabilities (although humans still do it better 😉).

What Pet Peeves Do You Have?

People who stand right when the plane lands. You aren’t going to get off any quicker by standing and blocking the aisle.

What’s One Piece Of Advice You’d Give To Anyone?

Be ambitious. Life is too short to spend time doing something that doesn’t make you happy.

What’s The Strangest Talent You have?

I can crochet a blanket while my cat attacks the ball of yarn like it’s trying to steal her catnip.

What’s One Thing You Would Change About Social Media?

I would make it a more positive place! My feeds are pretty curated to me and what I want to see, but man… the internet can be mean sometimes!