Meet Firebelly: The Sara Huntington Interview

In the winter months, our team continues to bring the heat, stoking the fire with creative talent and kindling sparks of new ideas. We are always looking for the best and brightest, expanding our agency to continue satisfying our clients. Since social media is social in nature, we want to communicate what exactly makes our people here at Firebelly unique. 

We’re continuing the series with Sara Huntington. 

Sara is our Creative Producer. She attended college at Ball State University and received her Bachelor's degree in Advertising and Creative Writing. Sara’s background is in account management, but found her passion to be in performing. She is a creator herself and now leads our clients through the creative process of video content. 

Her personal content is often quirky and focuses on obscure views of the world. She finds humor always wins people over in any situation, especially social media. 

How do you start your day? 

I start my day by praying for one extra minute of sleep. After I finally force one eye to open enough to look at my phone, I check my own socials. Then, I’ll check emails from the comfort of my own bed before forcing myself to do a Beach Body workout. Although it has never given me the beach body I dream of, I do it in the mornings to wake myself up. I head into the office around 8 am and always have an overpriced coffee to make me feel alive. 

What is your daily media diet? 

I check every social media platform first thing in the morning. I know everyone says that’s bad for your mental health blah blah blah but I like to get it out of the way so I can focus on the day. My favorite platforms are Instagram and Tik Tok but I also love a good Tweet. 

How do you get past creative blocks? 

Taking a walk or a drive. I can take a 4 hour drive with no music or podcast on and really indulge in my thoughts. Some of my best ideas have come from a long drive alone. 

What pet peeves do you have? 

When someone starts a story and then doesn’t finish it. I’m invested. Don’t leave me on a cliffhanger. 

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to anyone? 

Be authentically you. You will find people that align with your personality and goals if you stay true to yourself. 

What’s the strangest talent you have? 

I can fall asleep anywhere. Airplanes, hard ground, busy restaurant. If I need to fall asleep I don’t have any trouble. 

What’s one thing you would change about social media? 

The authenticity. I want more people to give a realistic idea of their day to day life. We all struggle. We don’t always want to drink a green power smoothie and think “it’s a good day to have a good day” all the time. It’s ok to be vulnerable online and I wish more people did that.

Learn more about the Firebelly Marketing team.