5 Easy Ways to Give Your Content an Engaging Boost


We get it. It can be challenging to come up with new ideas engaging content for social media, especially if you’re a small business or have a small team. Fear not! There are a few simple simple strategies you can use to give your content an engaging boost. The best part is you don’t need any additional tools!

#1 Use your FAQs 

Understanding your audience and the questions about your brand or products that they may want to be answered is a great place to start when creating content. Creating content from your FAQs gives your audience insight into your company and offerings. Do customers frequently ask about free shipping offers? Create a post highlighting the order minimum to receive free shipping. Are people often asking about how to use your product or service? Create a quick how-to video for Reels on Instagram showing people how to use or enjoy your product.

#2 Ask Questions. 

Social media is an ongoing conversation. So you need to participate. Ask your followers questions. Poll them in stories. Create graphics that lead with questions.

Social media users LOVE giving their opinions so don’t be afraid to ask your audience what they want to know about your brand. Asking questions also allows you to understand your audience better, giving insight into the type of content they want more of, enjoy, and get them engaged.

#3 Google Analytics is Your Friend

Search Google Analytics for inspiration. Your homepage is probably one of the most visited pages on your website but pay attention to other landing pages for users. Do you have a blog? Which posts regularly show up as a landing page in your analytics? Do you have a store? Which products get the most traction from Google? 


Google Analytics can also help you understand how people are finding you. What questions are they asking Google and then landing on your website? If you haven't connected Google Search Console, go there now! This feature lets you see what search queries have resulted in page visits for your business. You may be wondering why this is important for social media? As mentioned above, questions are a great starting point for content creation. Take some of your top queries and craft engaging content around them for social media!

#4 Dig Into the Details

Dive into your social analytics and search for patterns. Do people react to seeing behind-the-scenes content? The face of the founder? Do they love memes or graphic content first? 

  • Themes/Subject: behind the scenes, lifestyle, UGC

  • Types of creative: videos, carousels, reels, graphics

  • Content vertical: Your brand is made up of content pillars, is one more engaging than the others? Why? Dive in.

You can utilize platforms native app insights to do this or use a tool like Sprout Social.

#5 What's your brand's place in the zeitgeist?

Social media holidays are great but what's even better is to contribute to the larger conversation in pop culture/news, etc. This type of communication helps build rapport with your audience and allows you to participate in discussions bigger than your brand that are happening online. 


Addressing current events that are relevant to your brand is essential. This lets people know what's happening in your industry but also contributes to the larger conversation. Jack's Pizza spoke candidly about the staffing struggles that restaurants globally continue to face. This post shows the brand’s vulnerability and helps make them even more relatable.

If you're not sure where to start, think about content creation in terms of seasonality and more significant themes that affect the zeitgeist as a whole. 


For example, the Back-to-School season is a busy time of year for students and parents alike that runs from June/July-September. If your brand can create content around this theme, you'll have a good chance of getting on the radar of your existing audience and potentially new followers. This year, top Flight Paper engaged influencers to help amplify their Back to School campaign and had even greater exposure and conversations with real parents shopping for school supplies for their kids.

Are you looking for help with content creation for your brand? Let us know