Meet Firebelly: The Sam Dietz Interview


As Firebelly Marketing continues to grow, we’re introducing you to the Firebelly people. Social Media is social in nature and we want you to get to know the people that make Firebelly what it is. We’re continuing the series with Sam Dietz.

Sam is a Senior Social Media Manager with Firebelly, working actively on both the paid and organic sides of social media marketing. She is a marketing nerd to the core and believes that the secret to success (in business and in life) is building authentic connections with others.

How do you start your day? 

With an iced peppermint matcha latte… SO good!


What’s your daily media diet? 

Lots of Instagram and Facebook with the occasional sprinkle of LinkedIn for good measure. 

I also track various RSS feeds (think Harvard Business Review, AdAge, Psychology Today, etc.) via Feedly. 

How do you get unstuck creatively? 

I take Johnny (my pup) for a walk, put on some dancepop (it’s Britney, bitch!), and let those juices flow!


What buzzword makes your skin crawl? 

Freemiums & Advertainment – I guess I’m not too fond of portmanteaus

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to anyone? 

Be kind to yourself, you’re doing the best you can. In the wise words of Leslie Knope’s voicemail to herself "Hey, Leslie. It's Leslie. Hang in there. I love you. Bye." 

What’s in your backpack?

I don’t own a backpack but if I did, probably snacks, a bottle of Evian, and my phone/laptop (Windows PC for life!)

Who would play you in a movie? Why? 

Definitely Amber Tamblyn (with glasses) - if you Google it, you’ll understand. #twinning

How do you unplug? 

I live in an incredibly scenic area so, to unplug, I like to drive around and get lost in the beauty of it all.

What’s your guilty pleasure? 

I don’t believe in guilty pleasures - life’s too short to feel guilty about something you love! 🙂

What song gets you pumped up? 

Either “Cheers (Drink to That)” by Rihanna or “How I Roll” by Britney Spears. 

What's your favorite phrase? 

Never chase anything except dreams and drinks